Professional couple (one of us a vet) excited about being in new places and spending time with your beloved pet

Username animalwelfare  

37 - 45 years
May 1,2024
Behaviourist Vet - Online Teacher
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks

We are a couple of enthusiastic travelers who also enjoy meeting new people and experiencing other cultures/ways of life.

Ale is a behaviorist veterinarian that works mostly remote teaching people to understand their pet´s ways of expressing emotions, behaviors, and communication, as well as detecting behavioral problems. She also teaches online courses for other vets to learn about animal welfare and behavior. So she has knowledge and experience in animal behavior, she´s used to work gently with pets, and she really enjoys it.

Charly is a software engineer who works remotely for a worldwide company. He is handy around the house and yard if any problem arises.

We have our own big house in Buenos Aires with a garden, and we lived with a dog until he died We both have lived with pets our whole lives, and we miss being with pets. But as we like to travel, we can´t live with a pet. That´s why we´ve been taking care of friends and family´s pets for the last years, when they go on a trip. We think it´s a nice way of enjoying their company for a while.

We love pets, so we think housesitting is a great way to experience pet love again, combining this with being in new places and traveling.

We would love to take care of your pet and your house for at least 15 days, ideally a month or two. We like slow traveling, and we are non-smokers. Also, we prefer quiet places, maybe suburbs or rural areas, because we don´t party and we love tranquility, landscapes. But we can happily stay some weeks in a city too. As we both are online workers, we need a high speed wifi service to be able to stay at home for the working hours.

You can be sure that your pet and home will be in the best hands. :-)

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