Experienced house and pet sitter

Username Ahui08  

46 - 55 years
May 24,2024
Single female
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Hi! There Francy, Greetings from Florence!
 I am an Italian artist.  Experienced house sitter looking for house sitting opportunities .
I would like to spend more time close to the coastal area to relax and because I am a writer too I need to change area sometime. 
Please help with my Summer and Autumn plans. 
 These are not the only reasons! I thought this travel also something important for me as a special occasion to start a new chapter a sort of refreshing adventure. I do not take it for granted but I consider it as an opportunity and I expect it to be special!

In advance, I like to thank all the people who will contact me giving me a chance on this. It means a lot to me in this moment of life. 

I like to spend time in coastal areas and it is good to have a cat or a dog company while working cause I am a solo traveller.

Briefly, I grew up in the countryside of Italy with my grand parents,  their mansion was located close by a river and they had a sort of farm with several different pets and animals. I love nature and I was educated to respect it. Vegetarian since childhood. 
I am an architect but also an artist, I design architecture views and I am a writer so I like to spend time working from home and I need to have a safe, clean and lovely space. 
I am researching Architecture and I love residential and public buildings, original houses and interior design!! 
I love pets, but I cannot keep them at my new place, if I could I would have another black cat and a rescued dog :) 
 So house sitting is something that I love and it facilitates not only to travel and visit new places but also to have the occasion to spend time with cute and affectionate pets. 

I have already mentioned my experience in Uk which I would like to continue. I love the UK and in particular, the coastal area where previously I have been house sitting using a well known hS provider.
Now I have signed to this and I am ready to house sitting again, confident to find special people with their lovely pets. I can tell I feel comfortable here.
In Florence Italy, I am house sitting two flats while their owners are abroad. I have housesat to travel in USA, Italy and Uk. 
If you can please give me a chance to house here too.

People obviously asking the reviews but I am new here, I had reviews in another well-known house sitters provider, but those would be visible only if I renewed my Premium expensive account. I can send the link to all my socials like, TikTok, and my published articles online.

SPECIAL Needs pets 
In that case please provide all possible info and a vet contact. In the past, I took care of special needs cats, so in case I need specific instructions.

I like to design gardens and once I visited the Uk I was amazed by the local beauty of cottages and lovely green areas. Exploring I loved to take sketches of views and take photos of plants and fences too.
I love gardens and it will be my pleasure to water your plants or whatever needs to be done for them. 
I was a super host

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