Authentic Responsible Student

Username Cloud15  

26 - 36 years
Not Available
Single female
3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

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  Not Available  

Hello :)
My name is Relana, 30 years old and I come from Germany.
I have been living with an elderly lady and her dog in northern Germany for a year. I take the dog for regular walks, take care of him and look after him when my hostess is out. I think animals are just great and I love long walks. I spent a lot of my childhood with cats, dogs, cows and rabbits. I have references to show. 
I currently work as a curative education assistant in a facility for people with PWS. 
In my previous job as a housekeeper and caregiver, I accompanied a wide variety of people in their everyday lives, did the shopping and cleaned apartments. I really enjoyed it. 
I eat a healthy diet and can cook in a variety of ways, I love running, exercise and the outdoors. I'm flexible when it comes to spending time alone or together. Authenticity and honesty are important to me. 
I quit my job in April to concentrate on my distance learning course in social work.
At the same time, I just want to enjoy the little things in life and do sports. 
Good internet (WLAN) is really important for my studies. 

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