Active nurse, in between houses, will take great care of your property. Location and schedule are flexible

Username solositter56  

65 + years
Jul 8,2024
Registered Nurse
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months

I wish to house/pet sit to experience different areas as I am recently single and will settle into housing, perhaps by next year. In the meantime this is my way of providing you dependable, caring service while having temporary housing.

As a rural home owner for over 45 years, I am familiar with maintenance. I keep a clean house and living in northern transient has made me realize not everyone is as respectful. I promise you will return to a clean home.

I am missing my large collection of houseplants, flower beds, greenhouses and vegetable garden. I am well able to maintain yours.  

I have lived all my life with cats and am really missing their companionship. A longtime dog person, with NS Duck Toller Retrievers, I have missed my last 'best friend' since her passing 10 years ago, especially the daily walks as I am active. As I do nursing contracts in the high Arctic, I have not chosen to have a dog, but really enjoy those of family and friends. With my nursing and animal experience I am skilled in medication administration and procedures.

I am capable, adaptable, responsible, a good communicator and a great problem solver. You can relax when you leave me to handle your home and pets. 

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