I’ll be pleased to take care of your house and your dear pets

Username RomBacc  

37 - 45 years
Jun 8,2024
Manager - Entrepreneur - Graphic Designer
3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Hi, my name is Romain, I'm 42 years old, Born in Paris, France. Mother Vietnamies and father Italian. I speak French, fluidly English and Spanish as well. I understand a bit Italian and very little Dutch. I love nature, quiet place and animals (especially cats). I meditate daily and I'm almost vegetarian. Will be available from 1st November 2023 for few months

What can I offer to you dear owner?

I'm good in management and logistics, quite handy with many things such as housework, cooking, cleaning painting, gardening, fixing stuff, (not good in electricity) and ok with plumbing. I like to be active and know when I have to rest. I'm serious in my work and learn quick. I have a good visual memory and quite social. I love physical activities and my biggest passion is the music. 

About our friendly (not always...?), loving animals, I know well how to take care of them (my family and I had many cats, dogs, even fish and little frogs?). I took care of horses once, amazing to do.

Mostly, animals loves me, I have a good contact and feelings with them.

Quick tour about my life:

I've study graphic design and been working in many different jobs since my 13 years old.

At age of 19, I moved to Ibiza, Spain. I lived & worked there for 17 years. We had an old Finca with my family and bought a camping with a beach bar closed for 20 years. We makes it new again, beautiful energy and place that we called camping "La playa" close to Es Canar and Santa Eulalia, North East of Ibiza Island.

Amazing and great experience to live. I did many works inside our company until I ended manager of the beach bar during 9 years, driving/supporting a team of 20 people. Organising events, music, logistics, providers, PR, etc...

Then I met my woman in Ibiza, her name is "Ine", she's Dutch and we live most of the time together. We stayed a bit in Ibiza but then I've decided to move in Netherlands. Lived and worked there for couple of month and build a project.

Once the project was clear and ready we moved to France, in Ardèche, Little village of Lalouvesc at the peek of a mountain (1200m heights).

We create a "modern monastery" in a beautiful Domaine called "La Vie Tara". 1600m2 of living place and bedrooms. We received groups about 20 to 40 people, did spiritual retreats, events, hosting, etc... For almost 3 years now.

But the dream have to end unfortunately and we've decided to take a break before to start something new.

Ine will go back a bit in Netherlands and me I'm looking for a place to rest a bit for few months. Taking care of myself, to meditate, recover from the past years working a lot. Going back to sports and work too.

Thank you for taking the time to read my description, I hope that was interesting for you and that it could answer already some question you can have.


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