66 year old single male looking for travel opportunities

Username nmarsha  

65 + years
Not Available
Single male
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

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  Not Available  

I am male, sixty six years of age, was married for 30 years and lived in a well cared for family home with two dogs, hence I have the experience of being around pets.

I am divorced of 5 years and looking for travel opportunities across this vast and beautiful land.

I have done 2 house sits and have received 2 excellent references from those house sits which is available for viewing on my profile.

I am community minded which is supported by my 2 yrs volunteer work at a buddhist ctr on the Sunshine Coast.

I am also currently engaged with volunteer work in teaching English to newly arrived migrants. This is being done by phone at the moment due to Covid.

I am clean and take great pride to look after property and would love to make a start in this field of house sitting.

Homeowner Feedback / endorsements (1)

“ Neil was the best house sitter we could have hoped for. ”

Sit Dates Apr-4-21 - Apr-14-21 Homeowner wilandhelen, Member Since Feb-28-21

Location Sydney NSW Australia

We were really happy with how our house sit turned out.  
Neil took excellent care of our 12 month old puppy (beagle puppy so still hard work) and 8 year old tabby.  He diligently took him to the dog park everyday as he undertstood that this is important for our puppy to burn off energy and socilaise.
Neil's communication was great, sending up picutures/video clip whilst we were away in Tasmania, this was all very reasuring for us.

Neil took the best care of our  house and garden also and the house was immaculate on our return.  Neil has made some yummy spring rolls and left them in the fridge for us - they were really tasty!

I can't recommend Neil highly enough, he is thoughful, thorough, respectfull, trustworthy and very easy to deal with.

Thanks again Neil.


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