Active Dog Mom with Remote Career looking to Experience the World!

Username twumgmt  

26 - 36 years
Sep 20,2024
Business & Event Management Services
Married/Partnered female housesitting alone
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days

Hi, I'm Trish, fortunate to have a flexible career that enables me to work from anywhere that has reliable internet connection. I provide management services and also offer financial education coaching to fellow Canadians. 

Why I Want To House Sit

I'm looking to enrich my travel and cultural journey by immersing myself in local communities. I would love to stay and care in a space that locals live in as part of that experience. 

My Experience

I was raised with dogs and my boyfriend and I currently have an 85 pound mixed breed named Bruce! I'm comfortable with all breeds and ages however I have significantly more experience with medium to large sized dogs, typically ranging from 20-90 pounds. 

I also have experience taking care of adult cats and would certainly welcome the opportunity to do it again. 

Your Home

Whether you need someone to care for your beloved pets or to maintain your home during your absence, I'm happy to take on that responsibility. 

As a homeowner myself, I understand how important cleanliness and maintenance is. I don't smoke anything at all or use drugs or even drink alcohol. I'll take great care of your cherished home and abide by any specific house rules you may have. 

My Hobbies

Predominately involve reading, walking, dining out, exploring cafes, muay thai/gym training, and listening to music. 

I also enjoy participating in seasonal sports such as tennis, paddle boarding, hiking and ice skating. 

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Phone Contacts for twumgmt

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  • If needed, Here is a free - easy to use resize site:
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