Adept Pet Sitters

Username AdeptPetSitter  

46 - 55 years
Jun 1,2024
Justice of the Peace
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Hello Valued Home Owner,.
I am a Justice of the Peace and John is a robotics engineer from a farming background and has a strong interest in environmental science. 
John works from his laptop and Alicia is retired. Responsible and reliable, with police checks and identity verified, we are both vaccinated and with boosters. 
We do not have our own pets and do not have children.
We have had pets all our lives and have also helped many people select their new family member as a job. I have volunteered with the Animal Welfare League and we both love all animals and will respect your home.  
We know that one of the biggest concerns would be that your house-sitter actually follows through after confirming a house-sit with you.  We will only cancel under extreme  circumstances and with plenty of notice. You can proceed with your holiday plans with peace of mind.
We are able to easily follow directions and will communicate well with you.  Your home will be as clean and tidy as you left it, and your pets will be given love and attention. We can bring our own bed linen if that is what you would prefer.
My partner and I are non- smokers, easy going and reliable.  We love animals and because we do not have our own, it will be a real treat to look after yours!
Thank you and I look forward to helping you enjoy your time away, knowing that everything is looked after the way you want it to be.

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