Mature, Organized, Reliable, Outdoorsy, Animal Friend

Username Jess0765  

56 - 64 years
Not Available My Calendar
Semi-retired, Volunteer, Writer, Photographer
Single male
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

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(Update May' 23) I just renewed my membership and looking for some new adventures, primarily Western US but not necessarily so. 

I enjoy travelling and exploring, doing some hiking and photography along the way.  I have a permanent residence in Ohio but am looking to possibly relocate to the mountain west, and may eventually put roots down there again (lived in Colorado in the 1980s).  My girlfriend may join me but has full-time work in Ohio so it would only be temporarily, if at all.

I love dogs and really enjoy the feeling of not being (so much of) a tourist when staying in someone's home and watching over it.  Allergic to cats, however so no cat sits.

I'm extremely handy and can properly care for your home and pets.  I owned and maintained an 8 acre "mini" farm, and have always had dogs.  I'm very competent with general home maintenance and keep things neat and tidy.  I have my own car and would probably drive, although flying or a train might be easier depending on the location.

I had an Ohio background check done early 2017 for some volunteer work with kids.  I'm a non-smoker and very neat (OCD a bit, maybe?).  Please consider me if you need a capable, caring, reliable, mature house sitter.  

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