If the Government Trusts Me with Multi-million Dollar Assets..

Username zentango  

56 - 64 years
Jun 1,2024
business consultant, field inspector,app developer
Single male
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Having served several years in the Navy, I've demonstrated that I've earned a high level of trust and responsibility.

Clean, dependable, trustworthy - I love to travel and recently have resolved to do more! My love of tango has been a great way to connect around the globe - so far, I've visited Portland, San Diego and Las Vegas for dance festivals, and have even danced in Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Berlin, London, Devon UK. Looking forward to visiting your neighborhood!

Some say that they treat others' homes as their own. I like to treat them with special care as a privileged form of trust. Friends often ask me to housesit for them!

I love all kinds of animals, having grown up in a home that raised everything from fish to rabbits to cats & dogs!

Owning my own home in San Diego taught me a lot over the ten years of home ownership. Helping my dad in his garden as a kid, I grew to love tending to all things green. In fact, my rose garden would often get compliments from pedestrians strolling by there.

Who would've believed that I'd even fix my own garbage disposal and upgrade the sprinkler system with an automated time myself?

Now I often use that knowledge all the time as a commercial property inspector. My clients trust my experience in detailed reporting of anything that is wrong with a property.

I have had previous positions house minding both short and long term, and can offer several references.

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