Love goes around; gladly, happily, warmly, responsibly, lovingly and always with the BEST PET CUDDLES POSSIBLE

Username LaughterAndJoy  

46 - 55 years
Jun 1,2024 My Calendar
Single female
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Please, IMPORTANT NOTE: I am fully Vaxxed. If you are not, please plan to mask and social distance or avoid crossing paths and provide a video walk-through for the sit, as many unvaccinated homeowners have done, 

THIS is ALL so that I don't risk getting the mild vaccinated version of the variants and can give you the BEST HOUSESIT/PET-CARE POSSIBLE. )))))))))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))((((((((
SEPTEMBER 2021  EDIT: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Why I Live as a housesitter: 
As a writer, I see stories everywhere...the videos and photos that I take and send to my homeowners, help them to see the story that their beloved pals and pets are living...and this imbues a sense of connection...I LOVE this! I LOVE helping homeowners experience happiness, laughter, joy at the sight of their best friends being well-cared for and exceptionally happy! 

I always hope to find a place where I might be inspired to just write and write and work and write some more. 

My Experience: 
I love dogs, all sizes (I used to also exclusively love ONLY BIG DOGS...but no longer! Now, I've been a caregiver for Chihuahuas and Malteses, Shih Tzus and Poms...along with the usual suspects, Golden Retrievers, Bloodhounds, Great Danes, Black Labradors, Bouvier des Flandres, Saint Bernards, Irish Wolfhounds, Standard Poodles, Irish Water Spaniels and Giant Schnauzers. They are all wonderful companions and entertainers! 

I"ve also worked with horses. I worked at a leading Arabian Horse Farm in Louisiana in the 90s, where I was in charge of halter-breaking all of the colts as well as feeding, walking and exercising two stud stallions and two mares. I have worked as a Western seat riding instructor for seven years, a wrangler, and most recently, a trail guide in 2017, so you could say I'm comfortable with the equine species. 

Also, I fed and mucked out for 12 horses in Spain for a week, fed and monitored a 38 year old horse and a 38 year old mule in France for six weeks, and fed and mucked out for two Exmoor ponies in England for three weeks...all of this through 2020 from June through August. 

2019 was mostly spent crossing the US, caring for dogs and cats and hermit crabs and ducks and pigs and goats...chickens, too! From Washington DC to Portland, Oregon to California and Seattle. We live in a beautiful country! 

Also in 2020, I cared for 2 large dogs in France for three weeks, three Siamese in London during Christmas for three weeks, three fluffy nutter Labradoodles and cockapoos in Dover, England for three weeks, two delightful tabbies in Dover for six weeks, chickens, three dogs and one cat in Littlehampton, England, AND MORE! if you want to know more just ask...lots of cats, lots of dogs and lots of farm animals festooned my life and dreams from May of 2019 until now as I travel the world as a housesitter, loving animals and homeoners along the way! 

I would be deeply honored should you choose me to care for your beloved creatures, and my heart would beat so gladly to be chosen from among many great potential carers, to be yours. 

Life has changed for me. My closest companion of the last 14 years, Shadow, had to be put down on the Fourth of July 2019. 

Shadow was as loyal as a dog, but lived in the body of a feisty feline. He came to me at two years old, and It became a regular ritual of ownership, his over me, of course, that each day or two he'd have to climb up to my shoulders and lick my ears. Claim me. Make sure I know that I am his. And, presumably, let all other males in my vicinity know that this person belongs to him. 

SHadow was with me through thick and thin, including through and beyond Hurricane Katrina. We moved a total of 21 times in the 14 short years we shared, most of them coming in the recovery time after the storm, when nothing was secure.

Teaching horseback riding to Girl Scouts in Texas and Louisiana and to a mixed income camp comprised of upper class Manhattan children and inner-city Kids at a Camp in Maine are among the most delightful and fulfilling work with children that I have done.

I have had house-sitting gigs around the globe, including a beautiful condo in Tai Tam, Hong Kong for a realtor friend in the city...I cared for his pampered kitties who were absolutely well as homes in New Orleans, one with a wonderful Bouvier des Flandres dog for the headmaster at Trinity School and his wife as well as another for a couple who have long been friends of mine. 

I've also lived aboard a houseboat in Sausalito on a three-year housesit, taking care of my friend, Puff the Magic Cat for some old friends. I also managed the rental on the back of the houseboat.

I took care of house and Dogsitting for Lucky the hound dog in Mill Valley, Ca on two occasions! What a pleasure Lucky dog was...he was up there in years but BOY! did he LOVE taking a drive in the SUV and going

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